教室 Environment Advisory Committee

  • 成员:

    • 莱弗里特加德纳
    • 丽莎Bankey
    • 布雷迪Baybeck
    • 安德里亚债券
    • Rose Marie Callahan
    • 格瓦拉卡特
    • 米歇尔Crumm
    • 梅格Fenech
    • 冬青Heaviland
    • 康妮Lareau
    • 彼得•拉森
    • 埃米尔Lauzzana
    • 丽贝卡·拉撒路

    • 蒂芙尼马拉
    • 莫莉梅森
    • 杰瑞Morrisey
    • 丹高贵
    • 林赛Pawlowski
    • 莎拉从
    • 美极罗德
    • 杰基•罗斯
    • 杰里米·罗森博格
    • 凯西Scarnecchia
    • 肖恩Waymaster
    • 苏珊娜·沃尔什
教室 Environment Im年龄
  • 2015年5月预算:


  • Members of the CE committee have reviewed research, exemplars of 21st century learning spaces and are in the process of establishing an accurate assessment of the current state of classrooms across all district schools.

    1. A district-wide survey of teachers to gather baseline data regarding the current functionality and quality of current student furniture as well as input into purpose and design of potential new student furniture.
    2. 演讲 of worldwide research and experts from the field of classroom design.
    3. The committee is in the process of developing a common rubric for assessing current classroom environment functionality and design.